81 minutes

Screened as part of NZIFF 2001
Increasingly, digital animation festivals are celebrating the fact that fine films are being created entirely on hard drives. Join us on this tour of the best of these recent digital festivals – 'films' that have caught the eye of judges and audiences. If you're accustomed to thinking of digital animation as the realm of games or blockbuster special effects you may be surprised by the delicacy and subtle individuality of some of the work on display here. Needless to say there are also some jokes. — MT
Groove Me 2000
Hip dancer, smooth talker, wife borrower – meet Tabu, Lord of the Groove.
For the Birds 2000
3-D CGI. From Pixar and the art director of Toy Story, the hilarious tale of angry little birds on a wire trying to defy the laws of physics.
Cog 2000
An intricate mechanical inner world is home to a curious race of creatures.
Bio Zoo 2000
A brightly coloured, relentless digital montage of all the small creatures.
Pump Action 2000
Reservoir Balloons – THAT scene played out with balloon characters.
Treedom 1999
All parts of the ecosystem are linked – why shouldn’t they morph as well?
Pasta for War 2000
The pasta are restless – richly textured to resemble newsreel footage of a call to arms.
Lucie 1999
Clowns are a misunderstood group. This sumptuously detailed study in pathos will only deepen the mystery.
Nuit 1999
Abstract and energetic, a joyous dance of light. Video wallpaper you may want to take home.
Hot Spot 2000
A lumpy roundelay of beefy blokes convinced they have all the right disco moves.
Comics Trip 2000
Just a boy and his banana on a roller coaster ride through a Technicolor comic strip.
Histoire d’oublier 2000
Fragile figures and a glass staircase.
Ferment 2000
You won’t believe your eyes. A tracking camera seems to slice through the paused lives and homes of a city.
Wand-da 2000
A white tiger strides through a sumptuously animated neon-lit cityscape.
Faux plafond 1999
In its own quiet way, a most spectacular film. Daily routine is transfigured when a square room becomes a circle.