Screened as part of NZIFF 2002
Alix’s Photos 1980
Les photos d’Alix
"Alix-Cléo Roubaud, wife of the poet Jacques Roubaud, discusses her photographs with a young boy (Boris Eustache, the director’s son). As we listen to her speak, we realize that the photos she’s talking about aren’t the ones we’re seeing." — Film Society of Lincoln Center
"Alix Robaud seems to be talking about the photos she’s looking at, but are the photos we’re shown the ones she’s speaking about? Eustache’s last films play a perpetual game with the viewer, who must struggle (in vain) to make sense out of what the director is concealing, and to determine whether it is fiction or documentary. One can also speak of Eustache’s first films in these terms: the professional pick-up artist who turns out to be a small-time thief; Léaud, who is viewed differently by people depending on whether or not he is dressed as Santa Claus." — Luc Moullet, Film Comment