With more nerd chic than Napoleon Dynamite, this tale of three geeks who dig laser tag and medieval swordfighting is hilariously off-kilter and chock-full of wholesome fun.

Screened as part of NZIFF 2006
The Sasquatch Dumpling Gang 2006
Nerd chic is back. Not since the halcyon days of Revenge of the Nerds have the geeks been given such a tremendous celluloid salute. Gavin and his two best friends, Hobie and Maynard, are kids who dig laser tag and medieval sword fighting. They hang out in the yard, play video games, joust with not-so-terrifying bullies and annoy their mulletted neighbour Zerk and his permanently stoned buddy, Shirts. One day with new gal pal Sophie they discover Sasquatch tracks in the nearby woods. The story hits the local headlines and suddenly world famous Bigfoot hunter Dr Artemis Snodgrass is coming to town. If the deadpan absurdity and warped veneer of a teen-film-gone-wrong seems familiar to fans of Napoleon Dynamite, it's no mere coincidence: the producer, the director and two actors all worked on that huge cult flick. Sasquatch is hilariously off-kilter, chock-full of memorable characters, quotable lines, ritualistic expressions of geek friendship, laughable angst and, most unusual in this section of the Film Festival, genuine wholesome fun.