Robin Greenberg's documentary introduces us to the remarkable life of New Zealand's very own T'ai Chi master, Loo-Chi Hu.

Screened as part of NZIFF 2017
Huloo 2008
Robin Greenberg’s documentary introduces us to the remarkable life of New Zealand’s very own T’ai Chi master, Loo-Chi Hu, affectionately known to all by his nickname Huloo. A master mariner, Huloo was seconded from Taiwan to New Zealand in the late 60s to work as a fisheries consultant. He has remained here ever since, working for what was then the Marine Department designing navigational and fishing equipment. This is simply one element of an adventurous life that has ranged from sailing a Chinese junk across the Pacific to rescuing explorer Thor Heyerdahl near Barbados. Before the revolution he studied T’ai Chi under master Chen Wei-Ming in Shanghai. He has brought these teachings to New Zealand, where he continues well into his 80s, to conduct classes in a shed next to his house. No materialist, he lives in the same modest Christchurch home he purchased in the 60s and still drives his 38-year-old Volkswagen. Huloo’s down to earth approach to his achievements is as inspiring as his cheerful embrace of life itself as an adventure. — MM