British political satire takes on Washington in this lacerating spoof of bureaucratic opportunism. “Horribly brilliant… The acting is superb, and the writing is relentlessly funny – vicious and delicious.” — The Guardian

It's cynical, aggressive and volcanically profane... Blisteringly offensive... In the Loop is the kind of movie that makes you proud to be British.
Screened as part of NZIFF 2009
In the Loop 2009
British political satire takes on Washington in this lacerating spoof of bureaucratic opportunism. Expanded from Armando Iannucci's critically-lauded BBC TV series The Thick of It, In the Loop features a virtuoso comic cast with Peter Capaldi already a legend as the PM's lethally foul-mouthed Director of Comms. — BG
“A cynical, razor-sharp, truly laugh-out-loud farce about the symbiotic relationship between ineffectual, flip-flopping bureaucrats and the sneaky, petty spin doctors who need them... while we strain to catch the marginal details and sort out the hierarchic squabbling, a war is being jointly planned by the US President and the UK Prime Minister right under everyone's noses. Dr Strangelove would surely chuckle.” — Aaron Hillis,
“Horribly brilliant... The acting is superb, and the writing is relentlessly funny – vicious and delicious. And refreshingly, there isn't a sympathetic character in sight.” — Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian