Davis Guggenheim (An Inconvenient Truth) throws together Jimmy Page, The Edge and Jack White as a one-off supergroup in a celebration of the ultimate rock instrument. “A three-headed, amped-up, guitar-shredding slamdown.” — Variety

It Might Get Loud is a three-headed, amped-up, guitar-shredding slamdown powered by a pan-generational trio of rock gods.
Screened as part of NZIFF 2009
It Might Get Loud 2008
Davis Guggenheim (An Inconvenient Truth) throws together a one-off supergroup of three guitarists from strikingly different genres and generations in a celebration of the ultimate rock instrument. The players are Jimmy Page, who defined the classic rock guitar sound in The Yardbirds and Led Zeppelin; U2's The Edge, whose chiming, delay- and reverb-drenched deedle-deedle-deedle guitar textures are instantly recognisable; and Delta blues-influenced young gun, the twitchy Jack White from the White Stripes. Discussing with each other the defining musical moments that incited their passion for the guitar, they teach each other riffs and nerd out over records and instruments. The Edge is a complete riot when he demonstrates what his rudimentary guitar riffs really sound like when they're not swathed in digital delay effects. The film is riddled with alternately hilarious and genuine goosebump moments; expect a bit of ‘white man's overbite’ and plenty of widdly guitar workouts. — KD