A delirious and hypnotic masterwork of epic proportions complete with Catholic guilt, kick-ass kung fu schoolgirls, a loony cult and upskirt photography. “This movie will cleanse you of your sins and leave you horny as hell.” — NY Asian Film Festival

One of the most amazing cinematic achievements of the year... this movie will cleanse you of your sins and leave you horny as hell.
Screened as part of NZIFF 2009
Love Exposure 2008
Ai no mukidashi
A dazzling, demented epic filled beyond bursting point with Catholic guilt, kick-ass kung fu schoolgirls, a loony cult led by a teenage girl with a green budgie - and what has to be the most upskirt panty shots in history. Of course Incredibly Strange couldn't resist. Yu is the traumatised son of a widower-turned-Catholic priest who admonishes his son to confess so many sins that the 17-year-old takes up new ones to gratify his father's religious zeal. His sin of surreptitiously photographing up the skirts of unsuspecting women turns out to be a profitable sideline, but his deal with a porn company comes undone when he falls in love with the feisty Yoko.
“Religion, family and sexual mores are satirically skewered and slowly roasted... Evoking an unhinged Ken Russell on a sushi binge, [director] Sion Sono confirms his reputation for excess (Suicide Club) with this delirious, hypnotic, four-hour marathon.” — Russell Edwards, Variety