A mordantly funny Italian woman’s coming-of-age movie also serves as a barbed account of the church’s devotion to worldly dominion. “Feels densely observed, transparently personal and autobiographical… An accomplished debut.” — The Guardian

Vianello gives a lovely, unforced performance as Marta, who begins to see that the blue-eyed, open-armed fuzzy Jesus she’s being sold is a fake.
Screened as part of NZIFF 2012
Corpo Celeste 2011
Here’s a mordantly funny coming-of-age movie that also serves as barbed allegation that the Catholic Church’s primary devotion is to worldly dominion. Back in her native Calabria after years in Switzerland, 13-year-old Marta casts a wary eye over all she surveys. Learning the catechism, she is not impressed by the perplexing jumble of Latin ritual and woeful stabs at youth credibility: “seeing the Spirit is like wearing really cool sunglasses”. Catching on to the insecurity of her teacher or the jaded parish priest Don Mario’s connivance in right-wing politics, she’s an irritant they could do without. Her stand-off comes to a head when she is obliged to accompany the priest on an expedition to retrieve a giant wooden Christ Crucified from a deconsecrated church. Distinct and strange, as listless and as nettled by the absurdity of adult behaviour as its teenage protagonist, this is an impressive, absorbing first film from 30-year-old Alice Rohrwacher. — BG