291 minutes

Screened as part of NZIFF 2012
Shorts with Features
From the shorts submitted by New Zealand filmmakers this year, these had the good fortune to find what we felt would be suitable companions on the feature programme. Six international shorts also accompany features.
Abiogenesis 2011
A strange machine lands on a desolate world and uses the planet to undergo a startling transformation that has profound implications for an entire galaxy. Screening with Sound of My Voice.
Alwyn Motel 2012
An ex-convict tries to go straight, but sometimes it’s difficult to leave the past behind. Screening with Ceasar Must Die in Wellington (Paramount Only).
Ato-Miss 2012
Our robot friend Ato-Mick returns to save the world from losing all its colour and introduces a new playmate: Ato-Miss. Screening with Grandma Lo-fi.
Bear 2011
Jack means well, but sometimes good intentions can have unintended consequences. Screening with Sightseers.
Do You Really Love Me? 2011
How many ways can you say ‘I love you’? Find out with this romantic multilingual documentary. Screening with Bonsái.
Hitch Hike 2012
A hitchhiking teenager determined to find his birth mother finds solace from an unexpected source. Screening with Killer Joe in Auckland and Wellington.
In Safe Hands 2011
A teenage girl is entrusted to return a very special item to her family for her grandmother’s funeral.
Screening with Shock Head Soul
Screening with Marina Abramović
Screening with Shock Head Soul
Haiku video work developed from two video art exhibitions by Vincent Ward, INHALE and EXHALE, in two Auckland art galleries. Screening with The Wall.
Lambs 2012

Lambs is brought to you as one of the six finalist short films in this year's New Zealand's Best competiton.
Jimmy faces a tough decision – stay home to protect his younger siblings, or escape to a new life. Screening with Monsieur Lazhar (No Bridgeway screening).
Long Distance Information 2011
From a lonely London flat Alex decides to make a Christmas Day phone call to his parents in Scotland. Screening with Dreams of a Life.
Night Shift 2012

An airport cleaner has reason to keep to herself. I love this story – it feels so real and packs a real wallop.
Shakuhachi 2012
A poetic documentary about a blind man whose craft transcends his perceived disabilities. Screening with Planet of Snail.
Smoke Songs 2011
Meet Blackfire: a Native American punk rock band with a message. Screening with Neil Young Journeys in Auckland.
SNAP 2012
This animation introduces a brood of underwater beasties, including the put-upon runt of the litter: Snap. Screening with A Monster in Paris.
Street Vendor Cinema 2011
Cine camelô
On the bustling streets of Sao Paulo you can become the star of your own movie. Screening with Songs.
Suni Man 2012
A young Samoan man must choose between his family and the delinquent influence of his cousin. Screening with My Brother the Devil.
Surveillant 2011
A teenager takes a job as a warden in a city park, but soon finds himself out of his depth. Screening with The Lifeguard.
Swansong 2012
A wayward mother takes her eight-year-old daughter to meet her grandmother for the first time, but when they arrive nobody is home. Screening with Back to Stay in Wellington.
Ten Thousand Days 2012
A young man is convinced that he will die on his 10,000th day, but things don’t go exactly to plan. Screening with Wish You Were Here.
This Fine Island 2012
A meditation on postcolonial New Zealand that recalls Charles Darwin’s visit to the Bay of Islands in the 1830s. Screening with Persuading the Baby to Float in Auckland and Wellington.
Two Princes 2012
Following the death of a beloved wife and mother, a father struggles to connect with his preoccupied sons. Screening with In My Mother’s Arms.
Wild Lilly 2011
Nine-year-old Lily has to leave the wooded squatters’ camp she calls home and move into a terraced house with her family. Screening with Nana in Auckland.