Funny, scary anthology about a group of louts hired to burglarise a creepy house and steal a rare VHS tape. “V/H/S delivers the thrills and chills craftily… Watch it with friends.” — William Goss, The Playlist

It has that extreme 80s vibe written all over it. V/H/S dishes out simple scares and taps into reality by using simplistic grimy imagery and just enough gore to make you squirm in your seat.
Screened as part of NZIFF 2012
V/H/S 2012
Sundance shocker V/H/S brings together an interesting mix of indie genre hotshots and gives each free rein to tell any creepy tale as long as it might be one discovered on a ‘found’ videocassette. The anthology’s wraparound story has four douchebags who love vandalising, burglarising and uploading their anarchy online being hired by a mystery person to break into a house and recover a tape. After breaking in, they find not one but many vhs tapes, as well as something rotten. And so begins a night of fun… for the audience. Featured directors are Adam Wingard (Pop Skull), Ti West (The Innkeepers), David Bruckner (The Signal), Joe Swanberg (Silver Bullets), Glenn McQuaid (I Sell the Dead) and filmmaking collective Radio Silence. V/H/S has enough genuine thrills and chills to redeem the horror anthology format. — AT
“V/H/S delivers the thrills and chills craftily… Watch it with friends.” — William Goss, The Playlist