Arman, a 33-year-old Parisian slacker (and self-deprecating livewire), is out running when he collides with the stunning, oddly impassive Amelie. There’s a seductive undertow of gravity to this engagingly self-aware romcom.

There’s a seductive undertow of gravity to this lively, engagingly self-aware Parisian romcom.
Screened as part of NZIFF 2013
2 Autumns, 3 Winters 2013
2 Automnes 3 Hivers
The gregarious charm of 2 Autumns, 3 Winters is the year’s loveliest left-field surprise. Arman (Vincent Macaigne) is a 33-year-old Parisian slacker – and self-deprecating livewire. He is out running one morning – which is something new – when he collides with Amelie (Maud Wyler). She’s an oddly impassive beauty, and always quick to let it be known that she wishes her parents had called her anything other than Amelie. Arman thinks she’s stunning, but it will take another, more bruising encounter, in the streets of Bastille, to secure Amelie’s attention.
The bumpily congenial coupledom of Arman and Amelie gives the film its heart. Their love affair advances alongside that of Arman’s art-school buddy Benjamin, and Benjamin’s new girlfriend, Rita. These two have none of Arman and Amelie’s rough edges, and their story may run smoother, but it too begins with an unexpected blow. Much of this film’s arresting emotional intelligence resides in its matter-of-fact grasp of the random impact of ill health and urban crime on ordinary lives.
Though dark clouds may gather occasionally, there’s nothing especially ominous about the film’s preference for autumn and winter: some people simply prefer the chillier seasons. There’s Christmas. They can head for the Alps, and the clothes are better.
It should be added that each of the three principals recount their highs and lows – often as they undergo them – to camera and with a fetching mix of impulsive disclosure and sheer bemusement. The film fairly jumps with pop-up references to the films and music and food that lend pleasure and insight to the way these thoughtful, unassuming, likeable people live their lives – and tell their stories.