Films by Title



Werner Herzog

In the grandest of Werner Herzog’s fictions – inspired in part by actual events – a white-suited Klaus Kinski plays an Irish adventurer in early 20th-century Peru who dreams of building an opera house in a remote Amazon port.


The King and the Mockingbird

Le Roi et l’oiseau

Paul Grimault

Based on a Hans Christian Andersen story, this classic of hand-drawn animation follows a chimney sweep and shepherdess on the run from a tyrannical king.



Woody Allen

Shot in ravishing black & white CinemaScope by the great Gordon Willis and backed by an all-Gershwin score, Woody Allen’s romantic comedy from 1979 surely earns its title: it is one of the cinema’s great odes to New York.


A Star is Born

George Cukor

Judy Garland in her last great musical role finds stardom while James Mason, superb as her champion and husband, fades from studio favour in this lush, emotional Hollywood classic.


Voyage of Time: Life’s Journey

Terrence Malick

Forty years in the making, Terrence Malick’s mind-boggling Voyage of Time takes us on a breathless trip through the birth of the stars, the evolution of life on earth and sea, and its eventual obliteration.