“An unusually rich art-doc with an old-New York twang… Sasha Waters Freyer assesses the artist and the man in her documentary about photographer Garry Winogrand.” — John Defore, Hollywood Reporter

I photograph to find out what something will look like photographed.
Screened as part of NZIFF 2018
Garry Winogrand: All Things Are Photographable 2018
This sharp, critical biography of the great American photographer presents a gratifying array of his work, and is enriched with his own recorded, matter-of-fact observations.
“Garry Winogrand (1928–84) may be the foremost chronicler of post-World War II America. His photographs – from the streets of New York to the expanses of Texas and the heart of Hollywood – provide a rich and complex portrait of a nation in transition. Sasha Waters Freyer’s gorgeous and lively look at the man and his work uses still images, home movie footage, and revelatory recently discovered audio recordings to illustrate why many consider Winogrand to be the central photographer of his generation, but doesn’t shy away from the thornier aspects of his life and career.” — San Francisco International Film Festival
“This is a film primarily about photography, one that explores Garry Winogrand’s tremendous contributions to the art form and his lasting influence on how we think of the medium today. But it is also a film that, I hope, explores and explodes the cliché of the undomesticated, self-destructive genius – one who is fundamentally unsuited to family life.” — Sasha Waters Freyer
“One of the rare art-world bio-docs that delivers the sensation of seeing a story unfold dramatically onscreen, Sasha Waters Freyer’s Garry Winogrand: All Things are Photographable introduces a compulsive picture-taker who was for a time hailed as photography's essential artist, then saw critical opinion turn on him. Alert not just to shifts in the critical zeitgeist but to accompanying changes in social mores, the fascinating film speaks to the most sophisticated students of fine-art without alienating casual buffs.” — John Defore, Hollywood Reporter