The 2018 Auckland Film Quiz 

Hosted by and Letterboxd

Session dates and venues to be announced
120 minutes


2018 AKL Film Quiz and Letterboxd (in association with NZIFF 2018) return to the palatial Wintergarden for this year’s Film Quiz. Will there be prizes? Yes. Can you prove your movie knowledge better than that of your peers? Most definitely. Will the audio of an entire bar-room brawl from Roadhouse play at high volume? No (we did that last year).

Join us at the Wintergarden for a 4.00pm start on Saturday July 28 to test your movie mettle against other film buffs.

As space is limited, advance registration for teams of up to 6 is required. Register your interest at and keep an eye on for registration news.

And remember, this is no drawn-out pub quiz — runtime will be no more than two hours, so you can get to your next NZIFF screening on time.