Litigante 2019

Directed by Franco Lolli

Set in Bogotá, Colombia, Franco Lolli’s excellent character study focuses on a lawyer struggling to care for her young son and ailing mother amidst a developing scandal at work.

Session dates and venues to be announced
Colombia / France In Spanish with English subtitles
95 minutes DCP
Adult themes




Toufik Ayadi
Christophe Barral
Sylvie Pialat
Benoît Quainon
Franco Lolli
Daniel García


Franco Lolli
Marie Amachoukeli
Virginie Legeay


Luis Armando Arteaga


Nicolas Desmaison
Julie Duclaux

Production designer

Marcela Gómez Montoya

Costume designer

Juliana Hoyos Vivas


Carolina Sanín (Silvia)
Leticia Gómez (Leticia)
Antonio Martínez (Antonio)
Vladimir Durán (Abel)
Alejandra Sarria (Majo)


Cannes (Critics’ Week) 2019

This fiercely lived-in maternal drama of a woman juggling extreme professional and familial pressures draws its compelling naturalism from Colombian director Franco Lolli’s real-life mother and cousin, who star in the lead roles.

“Coping with a mother dying of cancer, a young son she’s raising without a partner and a scandal at work leaves public-sector lawyer Silvia (an immensely watchable Carolina Sanin) a woman on the verge of despair… Silvia lives with her five-year-old son Antonio… but has childcare help from her gay best friend… Sergio… as well as her sister, Maria-Jose (Alejandra Sarria), and mother, Leticia (Leticia Gomez). But the fast-metastasizing return of Leticia’s cancer, a disease she beat back temporarily a few years ago at great cost, means the juggling act for Silvia and her family will be even harder. On top of that, she’s been swept up in a simmering corruption charge at the municipal department where she works as the deputy legal officer…

The movie often nails the fractiousness, fear and pain of caring for a dying loved one, driven home by immaculate performances from Sanin, Gomez and Sarria as two generations of women with more in common than they might like to admit.” — Leslie Felperin, Hollywood Reporter