74 minutes

Screened as part of NZIFF 2021
Animation Now! Late Night Bizarre
When you have to sit down and watch 4,000 animated shorts a year, you come across some pretty wild stuff – stuff that usually works best late at night.
This is a haul of the juiciest, stickiest, most pungent pieces that have been slipped under our door in the last 12 months – the kind you wind up with when you dig that deep. So, sit down, put your hands where we can see them and take in the full-bodied aroma of Late Night Bizarre 2021. — MT
Igorr-Very Noise 2020

A twisting and twisted impact-max warp-speed roll into the turmoils of a mind in a state of extended kinetic transformation.
Chockablock 2021

Most of Australia has been in lockdown for a looooong time and some animators have had a lot of time on their hands.
Oh Say Can We See? 2019

An absurdist socio-political analysis of the United States of America's current state of affairs – sometimes with no pants on.
The Q-Tip 2020

The story of a Seahorse attacked by a Q-tip launched by a nearby fisherman who was trying to rescue his lost whale that was taken by a mermaid.
Throat Notes 2020

A zoologically surrealist tumble through a critter crèche that could only emerge from a certain kind of imagination.
Breakfast 2019

A timely reminder – in case one is needed - outlining the dangers of trying to sit down to a traditional breakfast in the middle of the road.
Wood Child and Hidden Forest Mother 2019

Deep in the forest, a hunter encounters a strange creature he cannot kill as a prelude to a truly bizarre rite of passage moment – or two.
Thank You 2020

Toledo, the fourth-wall-breaking duck, gets invited to Alverado's birthday party, an event that is rapidly becoming the talk of the town.
51 2020

When good body parts go bad – and turn on each other!
Terror Fervor 2019

A wordless, psychedelic non-linear journey through the extravagant vices of seven different characters.
The Electric Wizard 2020

Wiz and Cosmic Shredder venture into their new favourite drinking hole ‘The Lair of the Goblin King’ only to find that they have already been banned.
Nox Insomnia 2019

Some things you just can't un-see even if you can wipe off the mess or block out the moans.
Eating In The Dark 2020

Sex store shopping as a metaphor for summoning the really big questions.
Fruit 2020

A beyond-the-real deep-dive into a world of satanic fruits, demonic veg and the dark influence of the serially wicked Quentin.