Individuals who have left an indelible mark on our world are the subjects of these insightful documentary profiles. Pioneers and iconoclasts, famed and unknown, living and departed, these diverse personalities have little in common but for the remarkable impact on the lives of those they touch.
Festival Programme
Films — by Strand

Crock of Gold: A Few Rounds with Shane MacGowan
Documentarian Julien Temple explores the close ties between Shane MacGowan, Ireland’s beloved punk poet, and his home country’s tumultuous history.

The Most Beautiful Boy in the World
Världens vackraste pojke
As Tadzio in Death in Venice, Björn Andrésen electrified audiences worldwide with his fragile beauty. Fifty years later, his life is still haunted by the fallout from the role that made him recognised, and coveted, across the globe.

My Father and Me
The life of British post-war photographer Maurice Broomfield is examined by his son, documentary veteran Nick Broomfield, whose own confrontational style lies at odds with his father’s steadfast pacifism.

Roadrunner: A Film About Anthony Bourdain
The life of celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain was about so much more than just food, as affectionate documentary Roadrunner illustrates in interviews with those whose lives were touched by the curious, convivial rover.