Journalist Shiori Ito embarks on a courageous investigation of her own sexual assault in an attempt to prosecute her high-profile offender. Her quest becomes a landmark case in Japan, exposing the country’s outdated judicial and societal systems.
Films — by Genre
- Action
- Activism
- Americana
- Animals
- Animation
- Art
- Based on Books
- Body and Mind
- Cannes
- Comedy
- Coming of Age
- Crime
- Disability
- Documentary
- Education
- Environment
- Family Ties
- Feminism
- Films about Films
- Food and Beverage
- For All Ages
- Horror
- Human Rights
- Indigenous
- Love Stories
- Media and the Internet
- Music
- Māori/Pacific
- Politics
- Rebellion
- Refugee and Migrant Stories
- Religion
- Rural Life
- Sci-Fi
- Science & Technology
- Sports and Gaming
- Stylistic
- Theatre
- Thriller
- Travel
- WTF?
- War Zones
- Women Make Docs
- Women Make Features
- Youth
Media and the Internet

Dìdi (弟弟)
Sensitive and funny, this semi-autobiographical film follows 13-year-old Chris Wang as he grows up in diaspora, flirting through AOL emojis and navigating family life, with beautiful small details that feel painfully realistic and true to life.

This groundbreaking documentary on musician, artist and superstar producer Brian Eno changes every time it screens. The two New Zealand premiere screenings at the Festival will both be completely different and will never be seen again.

Grand Theft Hamlet
Pinny Grylls and Sam Crane bring the brutality of Grand Theft Auto to the world of Shakespeare – or is it the other way around?

Never Look Away
Lucy Lawless makes her directorial debut with a raucous documentary exploring the life of another warrior princess – fierce and fearless Kiwi war video journalist Margaret Moth.

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin
Winner of multiple awards at Sundance this powerful and heartwarming documentary reveals an outwardly introverted gamer’s vibrant secret cyberlife following his death from a degenerative muscular disease.

Seeking Mavis Beacon
The first thing you should know is that Mavis Beacon doesn’t exist. This bright and fresh Generation Z-skewing documentary takes the viewer on a whirlwind cyber-journey to the ’90s and back.

Wild Diamond
Diamant brut
French director Agathe Riedinger, in her stunning feature-length debut, brings to life a unique heroine in Liane, a young woman obsessed with the glittery world of social media and reality TV fame.