Starring the late great Harry Dean Stanton in his most iconic role, Wim Wenders’ newly restored modern classic delivers one of the definitive outsider views of America.
Festival Programme
Films — by Genre
- Action
- Activism
- Americana
- Animals
- Animation
- Art
- Based on Books
- Body and Mind
- Cannes
- Comedy
- Coming of Age
- Crime
- Disability
- Documentary
- Education
- Environment
- Family Ties
- Feminism
- Films about Films
- Food and Beverage
- For All Ages
- Horror
- Human Rights
- Indigenous
- Love Stories
- Media and the Internet
- Music
- Māori/Pacific
- Politics
- Rebellion
- Refugee and Migrant Stories
- Religion
- Rural Life
- Sci-Fi
- Science & Technology
- Sports and Gaming
- Stylistic
- Theatre
- Thriller
- Travel
- WTF?
- War Zones
- Women Make Docs
- Women Make Features
- Youth

The Sweet East
A psychedelic journey through a warped America, this contemporary picaresque follows a high school runaway as she navigates oddities, dangers and delights on the road to nowhere, from cinematographer-turned-director Sean Price Williams.