Events & Guests

Refugee Journeys On-Screen

Refugee Journeys On-Screen
To a Land Unknown dir. Mahdi Fleifel

Panel Discussion preceding To a Land Unknown. Free entry.

From a pair of undocumented Palestinian cousins stranded in Athens; to a young Guinean man fleeing tragedy and pain in his home country in search of a better life in Paris; to a Syrian refugee family bound to the purgatorial dense forest on the borders of Poland and Belarus; to a young Vietnamese coal miner planning to illegally emigrate to seek better luck overseas; a number of our films in this year's programme follow the journeys of refugees and asylum seekers. This vital discussion focuses on New Zealanders with their own experiences as refugees as they reflect on the resonance of these cinematic portrayals.

Speakers: writer/comedian Pax Assadi, advisor on human rights Dr Kat Eghdamian and member of the NZ Refugee Advisory panel and National Refugee Youth Council, Madiha Ali.

Moderator: Filmmaker Julie Zhu 

Related films: To a Land Unknown, Green Border, The Story of Souleymane, Viet and Nam.

Hollywood Hall, The Hollywood Avondale

Saturday 10 August 5:00pm – 6:00pm


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