Work With Us


The NZ Film Festival Trust is a not-for-profit organisation that is only possible with the support of passionate volunteers and a small team of dedicated staff. Our head office is located in Wellington and is complemented by an Auckland office. We also have a fabulous team in Christchurch and Dunedin who help make Whānau Mārama: New Zealand International Film Festival a success in the main centres.

If you are interested in volunteering at NZIFF 2024, please read below for more information.

Volunteer at NZIFF

We love volunteers!

If you’re passionate about film, event management and/or communication then consider volunteering with Whānau Mārama:NZIFF. We offer a friendly environment with flexible hours, exciting challenges, plus complimentary film tickets!

Over the length of the Festival, we will need an army of volunteers to assist with ushering film screenings at our many cinema venues around town. We’re humbled by the number of dedicated volunteers who return every year and welcome any new faces who want to become part of the team.

There is a requirement from Volunteer Ushers to be available prior to NZIFF for 1-2 hours of training, plus a commitment to be available for a minimum of 8 ushering shifts during the Festival period.

Register to volunteer at NZIFF 2024 HERE.